When Should You Have Your Kitchen Tea Party

Kitchen tea parties are fun and fabulous for your friends and family to show their support as you prepare for marriage. But when should you have yours? A few factors are at play here, including how far into the planning process you are and what kind of party you want to throw. Here's what you need to know about a kitchen tea party:

Kitchen tea parties are fun and fabulous for your friends and family to show their support as you prepare for marriage. But when should you have yours? A few factors are at play here, including how far into the planning process you are and what kind of party you want to throw. Here’s what you need to know about a kitchen tea party:

What Is a Kitchen Tea Party?

Also known as a bridal shower, a kitchen tea party is a relatively new tradition that has become popular in recent years. The idea behind this type of event is for female friends, family and colleagues to gather together to celebrate the upcoming nuptials by helping the bride-to-be with some last-minute preparations. 

Best Time for a Kitchen Tea Party

It’s always a good time for a kitchen tea party. However, the best time of the year to host one is springtime. There are several reasons why this is the perfect season for a tea party at home.

Why Should You Have a Kitchen Tea Party

The kitchen is where everyone gathers to share a meal or conversation. It’s the heart of your home and should be welcoming and inviting for all your guests. A kitchen tea party can add extra fun and creativity while also allowing you to spend time with friends. There are many reasons you should host a kitchen tea party!

They allow you to get closer to the women in your lives

Kitchen tea parties allow you to get closer to the women in your life. You can share stories and memories, ask for help and advice, or have fun. It’s also a way to celebrate your upcoming marriage and thank everyone for helping you plan it.

It is an opportunity to share your vision for the wedding 

The best part of a kitchen tea party is that it allows you to share your vision for the wedding with everyone helping you plan it and see their reactions. You can get feedback on your ideas, see if they are on board with your vision, or if they have any suggestions to improve it. They might also have ideas that you hadn’t thought of!

It’s a party where people are focused on celebrating you! 

A kitchen tea party is an informal way to thank everyone for helping you plan your wedding. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity to see your friends and family in a different light! Your kitchen tea party can be as laid-back or fancy as you want it to be. 

Whatever plans you make for your kitchen tea party, ensure there are plenty of opportunities for conversation so guests feel comfortable sharing their thoughts with you.

How to Plan for Your Kitchen Tea Party

If you’re planning a kitchen tea party, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget some simple details. Here are some tips for how to ensure you plan your tea party:

Party Plan

While doing a party plan, consider the following:

  • Choose the date: Make sure the tea party is not on a day when you already have plans—you don’t want to be rude and cancel your plans to host one yourself!
  • Choose the time: Consider what time of day is best for your guests, and make sure they are free that day/time before inviting them to join you.
  • Decide on the menu: Does everyone like sandwiches? Do some people prefer savoury foods over sweets? Are there any dietary restrictions or allergies that need to be considered? If so, don’t forget about them when planning your menu options!
  • Decide on drinks: Will this be an alcohol-free event, or will guests enjoy cocktails with their meal? Do you want cold beverages such as water or hot ones like coffee or tea? Again, it’s best if everyone agrees ahead of time so there’s no confusion later.

List of Invitees

Next, you’ll want to send out invitations. You’ll want to do this at least a month before the tea party so that people have time to plan their schedules and get there. Ensure you include the date, time, and location of your kitchen tea party in the invitation, along with any special instructions. If your guests don’t RSVP by a specific date, they may not be able to attend!

Choose The Venue

Once you’ve decided on the guest list, it’s time to choose a venue. The first thing you want to consider is how many people will be attending your tea party and whether or not there are any restrictions. 

Another thing to remember when selecting a venue is its size- whether it can hold all the guests at once! 

Decorations and Gifts

The decorations for your tea party should be simple and elegant. You don’t want to go overboard with the decor, but you also don’t want it to look too plain. 

Also, decide what kind of gift you’d like everyone who attends this party to receive in return for coming over! It could be something small like an embroidered handkerchief or an edible treat such as cookies made by yourself.

Games and Activities

You must give your guests enough space to play games and activities. You should also ensure enough space for guests to sit down and relax and tables and chairs for everyone.

All your guests must have access to toilets whenever they need them without waiting too long because this could cause discomfort during the party.

Choose The Best Kitchen Tea Party Venue

Choosing a kitchen tea party venue is a lot of fun. You can pick the food, table settings, decor, and music! Remember to include your guests in the planning process so they feel they have some say in what happens at their tea party. 

Choose Kitchen Tea Party Venues with Navarra

There are many ways to go about having a tea party. You can host an informal gathering or plan all the details of an elaborate fête. When planning your next tea party, you don’t have to worry again because Navarra has you covered with the best tea party venues. Do not hesitate to contact us and book a venue tour.

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