Even with the hint of newly eased restrictions, nothing will make us jump for joy more than overseas travel. For now, whilst this is still not entirely ‘legal’ (ugh), we look inwards, to the best places within Australia to escape to during the Easter Break. From the Southern Highlands in NSW, to the sunny coast of Far North Queensland, it’s time to properly explore our backyard and experience some home-grown fun.
Emily Bronte once said, “Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” Should you be one of those weird winter lovers, that enjoy the cold and running through roads covered in Autumn leaves, Bowral in the Southern Highlands is the place for you. About an hour and a half drive from Sydney CBD, Bowral is a favourite destination for viewing the Autumn foliage. Since Sydney’s elite treated Bowral more as a rural retreat, the deciduous trees were planted. We need to thank these rich people, because now Bowral looks extremely beautiful with the Autumns foliage in the month of April and perfect for your Easter weekend away. Not to discount the fact that this world way is so close to home.
So, the cooler spots are not for you? Tell us about it. And no, we’re not going to send you to Byron Bay…that was so 2020. It’s to Cairns airport for you! Whilst the Southern states experience a cooler climate during the Easter break, Far North Queensland is looking perfectly warm during the Autumn. From Port Douglas, to Oak Beach, if you’re a beach lover, this is the place to be. Don’t be fooled by the rumors of dangerous sea creatures (but seriously, enter water at own risk), even so, the pools are a perfect spot to bake in the sun and enjoy the tropical benefits of the Northern part of this beautiful state. Pair this with the new Government Subsidy for airline tickets, you won’t regret QLD.
In saying this, there are a lot of us who are the same. Those that love home, and don’t need to go anywhere. It’s also still good to be a little cautious, especially during big holidays. If this is you too, we do in fact have the perfect escape this Easter Break in the heart of Sydney. It’s the one and only Montage Piazza (subtle plug). Located bayside, you can get the best of both worlds. Enjoy the cooler weather, but by the water. Indulge in authentic Italian cuisine, with a cheeky bevvy or two. Enough of a break to remove yourself from home, but close enough to not be out of your way.
An Egg-cellent compromise, if we do say so ourselves.