Lockdown Just for Two

Every time you turn the radio on or look through you social media there is some news or comment about the C- word.

Lockdown Just for Two

Every time you turn the radio on or look through you social media there is some news or comment about the C- word. Everyone is emotionally drained and mentally exhausted with this preoccupation. It is time to put the focus back on the two of you and how you can re-connect now that you have postponed your wedding day. Lockdown is allowing you to put the focus back on love. This is a lockdown just for two.

Breakfast at Home

The morning ritual does not have to be mundane and boring now that you are both working from home. Find out what your partner really likes for breakfast. How does he like his eggs? Sunny side up, scrambled, poached? Does he like bacon or sausages and would mushrooms and spinach with roasted tomatoes do the trick? Add some sourdough toast to the side. Sounding delicious already? Now is the time to get that juicer that you have at the back of the cupboard and start making some healthy juice combinations. Mix fruit with vegetables and add some boosters such as ginger to get your circulation pumping. Coffee or tea please? Brew that coffee and plunge your favourite tea and voila breakfast is set for the day.

Need Bailing and not up for Cooking – Take Home

Not ready to make it yourself? Find out what places in your area is doing take home breakfast. This is a good opportunity to go for a brisk walk together down to your local coffee shop and support small business. They would be feeling the pinch at the moment and would love to cater to your breakfast needs.

Lilyfield’s Café Lobby is open everyday with Oatlands Garden café coming soon to service the local community.

It is not just breakfast that you can indulge in. If you do not feel like cooking there are plenty of restaurants that are now offering gourmet take home meals so in fact it’s just like you are eating out at their venues. You can still enjoy a meal cooked by a chef.

Break time means Games

Lunch time or after dinner is perfect for those board games to come out. Twister is always fun with that little bit of physical to get those cuddles and kisses when you crumble.

Sequence is a strategy game based around a deck of cards. The object is to get five chips in a row but your opponent may see your strategy and work to block your progress. This game is both challenging and entertaining.

Codenames duet requires you to collaborate rather than compete. During the game you take turns giving one-word clues to your partner as you strive to identify your team of “ secret agents” from a grid of 25 cards. If you reveal the assassin or too many innocent bystanders along the way, you lose.

7 Wonders duel means two players go head to head competing to build a civilisation to crush your competition. You are striving to build architectural wonders along the way. Winning involves achieving military, scientific or civilian supremacy. A different strategy is available every time you play the game.

Of course it goes without saying in this environment why not play Pandemic where you are forced to save the world from an outbreak of disease by working together to contain and cure the various strains. This game is challenging as epidemics and outbreaks can spread diseases across the board faster than you can contain them and there are several way you might lose.

Get Creative and Crafty

Be as creative as you want and teach yourselves to do things you always wanted to try. This is probably ideal for the weekends. Both of you can make something together or go it alone. You always wanted to do it and now that your wedding has been postponed and your bridesmaids have not chosen their wedding dresses this is an opportunity for you to make them. Your sewing machine has been sitting idle and you had gone over colours with your bridesmaids. Choose the pattern in accordance with their size, select from a range of satin fabrics and off you go. Your Sydney Wedding will definitely showcase some unique bridesmaids dresses. Meanwhile your man has decided to be creative with some jewellery, a special gift for you for your wedding day to remember your enduring love for each other and that you can overcome obstacles together; a pendant, a ring or even a bracelet. Drawing or painting is also very therapeutic. A picture up in your home would be ideal. Get crafty and have some fun with it.

Honeymoon abroad – Learn a new Language

You honeymoon is in Paris, Italy, Germany no matter the country now you have the time to learn a bit of French, Italian or whatever the language maybe so get the Babbel app or whatever app takes your fancy and start learning together. Using your friend setting on the app you can make this into a competition as you see each others progress. Each day you can set goals for each other and start speaking in that language. Try half a day and then keep increasing it as you both get more comfortable with the language. Watch some films with subtitles to get the pronunciation correct and even go on YouTube to devote your time to learning the new language.

Read Love Poems out loud

So many beautiful love poems have been written and you are in the early stages of your journey. This is the ideal time to read to each other. Try reciting following poems; “How do I love Thee?” By Elizabeth Barrett, “When you are Old” by William Butler, “Sonnet 116” by William Shakespeare, “I carry my heart with me (I carry it in)” by E.E. Cummings, “Love Sonnet XI” by Pablo Neruda, “When I too Long Have Looked Upon Your Face” by Edna St Vincent Millay, “Valentine” by Carol Ann Duffy, “Unending Love” by Rabindranath Tagore, “Romantics” by Lisel Mueller and “Good Bones” by Maggie Smith just to get you started. The list of poems are endless but you might decide to share one during your wedding speeches that resonates with the love you both share.

Friday drinks home together or Online

Who said go it alone when you can both grab a bottle of wine and a cheese platter to share infront of a romantic movie for two. Absolute bliss! If you miss going out then use Zoom, Hangouts, Facebook Video Messaging, Skype, Whatsapp or any other video tool available to host a drinks night with your friends. Mix some cocktails and share your ideas or simply have a drink and socially interact online for an hour. This is the new temporary lifestyle it’s all about adapting and making the most of it. It can even be a nightcap or late night irish coffee whatever gives you both the opportunity to keep intouch with your friends.

Weekend Sport

Practicing social distancing you still need to keep fit and exercise. You might not be able to enjoy your usual swim but there are plenty of other sporting activities you can do. Buy a kayak or hire them and go out on the lake. Going for walks or running in your area or park. Throw the Frisbee around and then sit down to unpack a picnic basket for two if it is a nice sunny day. You can even try fishing. You have heard your partner talking about going with his mates well now is the time to try it for yourself. What about bike riding? You have not done that in a while and the days have been sunny. Mix it up and enjoy. This is about not worrying what you cannot change but having some fun with each other because we are all in the same boat so there is no point stressing about a wedding that cannot take place right now. Enjoy the temporary lockdown just for two.

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