Choosing Corporate Conference Venues: Your Ultimate Guide

The most important aspect of most events is the venue. The first step for any event planner is usually finding the perfect space!

Choosing Corporate Conference Venues: Your Ultimate Guide

The most important aspect of most events is the venue. The first step for any event planner is usually finding the perfect space! But with so many options out there, how do you choose? We’ve compiled the ultimate guide to help make that decision. When it comes to corporate conferences you want to impress. The venue needs to be sleek, functional, on-brand and well facilitated. There are lots of corporate conference venues out there. Navarra Venues has multiple options within Sydney. 

In this article, we will give you all the inside tips and tricks to finding your perfect venue. 

How to plan a corporate event?

Before we talk about venues, let’s go over a little checklist for corporate event planning: 

1. Establish the main goal of your event. What do you want to achieve through your event?

2. Make a budget.  You may be dreading this step, but don’t skip it. It’s very helpful in your planning process and keeps you on track. 

3. Choose a theme. Think about the vision and image for your event and stay on-brand. 

4. Pick a venue. The fun part, we’ll tell you more later on. 

5. Decide on special guests and speakers. Make your event enticing and exciting. Hire interesting speakers and fun entertainment. 

6. Find sponsors and organise branding. Get someone else to shoulder the cost. That’s what sponsors are for! You’ll just need to do some advertising for them in return. Don’t forget to add your branding too. 

7. Make sure to get a great caterer. People are less likely to get restless and bored if you have delicious food and drink options. 

8. Make a schedule.  Be organised and prepared with a detailed schedule for the day. 

9. Send out your invitations.  These can be in many different formats. You can use physical invites, emails, social media, even apps. 

10. Enjoy!

Choosing your corporate conference venue

Now that we’ve discussed the basic steps for planning a corporate event, let’s go into more detail about choosing your perfect venue: 


When looking for a corporate conference venue, location should be a key factor in your considerations. Central locations tend to be the best. They allow more people to attend. People are less likely to attend an event in a faraway or obscure location. Central locations mean plenty of restaurants and bars. This gives attendees options for pre and post your event. You will also get more business and brand exposure in a central space. 


Another important factor is accessibility. You need to consider public transport options to and from your event location. The more the better. If there aren’t many options, then make sure to provide ample parking space or valets. You can also organise shuttle buses, especially if you have guests coming from out of town. Make sure there are drop off/pick up spots for taxis and ride-shares. 


Does your chosen venue match the vision or theme of your event? It’s important to remember your event is a whole experience. So, decide what type of experience you want to create for your attendees and book a venue that will deliver on it. You also need to think about your target audience. Is your chosen venue suitable for them? Is it in a location central to your demographic? 

Food and Beverages

Don’t even think about throwing your event without food and drinks! People certainly won’t stick around if they’re feeling hungry or thirsty. Most corporate conference venues will have onsite catering options. You can negotiate a deal with them or ask if you can book an outside caterer. Be sure to accommodate allergies and special diets. 


Does your chosen venue have plenty of facilities? This means bathrooms, audio-visual equipment, wi-fi, charging stations, seats, multiple spaces (if required) and more. Think about your specific target audience and accommodate them. You also want to think about areas to display branding. Perhaps the venue has specific equipment to help with that. Ask as many questions as you can think of before signing the contract.


Your event will require staff. Make sure to ask about staff when researching corporate conference venues. You may need a concierge, wait staff, and security. Some event venues will have a dedicated venue coordinator who can help out on the day. This can be very helpful as you’ll often experience a few hiccups on the day. Having a dedicated person to deal with these issues, who knows the venue, is invaluable. 

Plan your corporate event with Navarra Venues

So now that you’ve got all the info you just need to pick a venue, check out our corporate conference venues here. We are more than happy to answer any questions and offer extra advice. Most of all don’t forget to have fun in the planning process and enjoy your event!

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