Who Cares? We Care!

Robert Herrick once pronounced, “Give, if thou can, an alms; if not, a sweet and gentle word. Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare. We must give alms.”

Robert Herrick once pronounced, “Give, if thou can, an alms; if not, a sweet and gentle word. Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare. We must give alms.” What is but a mere and simple task, giving to someone who does not have what you have, can ultimately change their lives.  

Navarra, for many years, has lived by the philosophy of giving; whether it be a little, or a lot. Navarra Care’s most recent initiative involves our staff members heading to the CBD one evening each week to feed the homeless. With food made fresh by our in-house chefs and culinary teams, the staff at each Sydney venue take shifts in heading into town and setting up a food van to which we get to meet the incredible locals.  

The stories that are shared, and memorable moments made, are the special experiences that continue to propel the Navarra staff members each week; with the obvious main drive being the genuine desire to do good, and give back.  

With his core Christian values as the backbone to many decisions made by owner, Filippo Navarra, the act of giving back to our wider community has been something instilled in the Navarra paradigm from the very start. Continuing this legacy, each year the company continues to strive for almsgiving and charity work in everything we do. Whether it be hosting not-for-profit events, donating to worthy causes or starting initiatives bound to make a little difference, it’s all about the ‘giving back’ in order to ‘move forward’.  

As a company, we open our arms to the wider community to join us on our mission to make a little change. Should you wish to donate your time to our Homeless Feed initiative, please be in contact with us on marketing@navarravenues.com.au. We would love to have you help us, help others.  

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